Be Grapefull Ebook – Creative Wine Books

How To Grow Your Wine IQ And Refine Your Palate… WITHOUT Slogging Through Countless Pages of Indecipherable Wine Jargon

If you enjoy drinking wine but only know the few wines already in your comfort zone… If you want to learn to hone your palate and know what to expect with each varietal of wine.… If you’re in the restaurant industry and need to get up to speed on wine tasting quickly…

There’s a way you can increase your wine knowledge tenfold, learning to appreciate new types of wine and understanding the subtle nuances that make them amazing – getting the same education that the wine professionals receive, but with only the information that you need to know.

Most people tend to drink the same few wines, night after night. They know they like Cabernet Sauvignon, but if you ask them about any other varietal or what they taste like, they mutter something about blackberries or plums under their breath.

It can be frustrating being stuck in the beginner stages when there’s a whole world of wines to appreciate, and I see what I call “the silent suffering of the novice” in wine enthusiasts all the time…

They stare at the wine list when they’re out to dinner, not knowing what half of the wines are and not knowing how the rest of them will taste

They feel intimidated when they see a varietal they don’t know, and they secretly envy their friends who can describe exactly what they taste after opening a new bottle.

They WANT to learn about the different types of wine and know what they’re tasting… but most of the books out there are so technical that it just leaves their head spinning and their eyes glazed over.

I’m Martin Peston…

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