Quick Healthy Breakfast Recipes

We all know the advantages of a good breakfast. You’ve just had 8 hours with no food or water. The result? No doubt you are dehydrated, have low blood sugar and have little energy. You need good food now and not cream biscuits later at morning tea.

Eating a quick healthy breakfast recipe sets the scene as to how the rest of your day pans out food wise

Many of the recipes can be made the night before and just grabbed from the fridge as you race out the door. It doesn’t get any quicker than that!

I know we all have good intentions but the reality often comes up short. You know a good breakfast is important and you resolve to make the time. Morning rush arrives and out the door you run with a promise to be better tomorrow. Does tomorrow ever arrive?

One look at the yummy pictures in this book and I know you will make the effort. When you start making these recipes and realize it is not too much trouble you will feel so proud of yourself.

If you begin the day with a nutritious meal then you will not be starving at morning tea. It will be easy to resist all the cream biscuits and doughnuts on offer. Follow with a healthy lunch and you are on your way.

The other option is to skip breakfast. Pig out on rubbish at morning tea because your will power has caved in to hunger, get a sugar rush that needs to be fueled at lunch time and you’re a gonner!

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