Healthy Chocolate Solution –

[content_box width=”85%”][date_today][/date_today] From: Kelsey, Natural Food Chef & Nutritional Therapist Re: Healthy Recipes for Dessert

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Dear Fellow Chocolate Lover,[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

Are you tired of having to make up excuses every time you want to indulge? Are you fed up with having treats that taste good but keep making you FATTER?

You’re not alone! And lucky for you, chocolate does not have to be a “guilty pleasure” anymore.

[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#000000″]Most ‘Chocolate’ Isn’t What You Think It Is…[/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

New research tells us that chocolate is actually a superfood, packed full of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that your body needs. It can help regulate mood, satisfy sugar cravings, and even improve brain function.

Unfortunately for you and me, most of the supposedly “healthy” options out there still use fattening, processed sweeteners and unhealthy fats and oils.

Chemically processed refined sugars, cancer-causing artificial colors and flavors, and hormone-harming additives are the main ingredients in most of these “treats”…

[headline_tahoma_medium_centered color=”#000000″]…You Can Eat This Chocolate For Breakfast![/headline_tahoma_medium_centered]

What if there was an option that allowed you to have everything you want – sweet candies, light and fluffy baked goods, and complete chocolate satisfaction – without any of the harmful side-effects found in most treats?

An option that gives you sweets and desserts you could actually feel good about sharing with your entire family?

I’ve spent the last year writing, tasting, testing, and retesting hundreds of your favorite chocolate dessert recipes (tough job, I know I spent hours in the kitchen until I discovered the magic formula for making chocolate desserts that are both unbelievably delicious and incredibly healthy…

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